The main objective of the geriatric nutrition centers is to improve the quality of life of seniors who are unable to support themselves and have no family support. They are offered hot meals six days a week. Consistent access to nutrition helps tackle physiological changes that occur with age, so disease and disability are prevented. Not only this, when the elderly come together for their meal, they experience a sense of community and a feeling of being cared for by those who serve them from the village.

Total number of lives impacted : 1077



Total Health supports TB patients through the TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan in collaboration with the Andhra Pradesh government. 600 nutrition kits were distributed to patients undergoing treatment for Tuberculosis. The kits enhance well-being, aid recovery, and boost immunity of patients.

Looking ahead, Total Health is committed to expanding its efforts in eradicating and preventing the spread of Tuberculosis. In the upcoming year, we aim to onboard more patients across all our locations, ensuring that they receive the necessary support to overcome TB, to contribute to our larger goal of creating a TB-free society. 

Total number of lives impacted : 1497


Our Aragonda campus houses a diverse range of food plants including papayas, greens, pumpkins, indigenous corn, and purple lady’s finger to enhance food security and local produce. Total Health is planning to establish herbal gardens, intersecting with our AYUSH program. In Amrabad, seeds for home kitchen gardens are provided, fostering food diversity. 

A pilot polyhouse farming project was initiated in Aragonda in 2017, offering increased profits and weather protection. However, farmer awareness of polyhouse technology and government subsidies is limited. Total Health aims to raise awareness and support the farming community through polyhouse farming benefits.

Total number of lives impacted : 5513


Polyhouse farming is slowly gaining popularity in India as it has a great scope of fetching larger profits for the farming community without undue impact from the vagaries of nature. However, most farmers are not aware of polyhouse technology and of the subsidies being provided by the government to promote this technology. A polyhouse with drip irrigation was initiated on a pilot basis on one acre of land, in 2017, in Aragonda.