Total Health is borne of Dr Prathap C Reddy’s love of his village, Aragonda, and the need to give back. The programme is based on the principles of medical care at the international level, and is implemented by people who understand the context and the community. Thus, Total Health ties in the heart, the head, and the hand.

With successfully identifying the areas of work under an overarching health umbrella, and embedding itself in the community, Total Health was ready to move out of its rural setting to the predominantly tribal area of Amrabad, in Andhra Pradesh. The same multi-sectorial model was used, and is currently being implemented with some tweaks for the context of forest dwelling and the opportunities and challenges that brings. 

The programme is based on the Apollo Total Health cycle:

Who we are

We, at Total Health, are a community of professionals who live in the areas we work in, and are embedded in the community. We are rooted in the local culture; some of us are from the region, having left to study and work outside, returning to find solace in the soil we left behind and in the work before us. All of us are driven by the understanding that health is priority for the people we live amongst and serve. We share our work space with people from the villages around, who come by to play a game of badminton in the evening, or share a papaya from one of our trees in the office complex. We hope to take this work culture of community and purpose to many places around India. We began work in Aragonda, Andhra Pradesh in 2013. In 2020, we expanded our work to Amrabad, in the same state, to work with the Chenchu community, a deep-forest-dwelling particularly vulnerable tribe (PVT). 

Vision - Mission

At Total Health, our vision is to see an India that thrives with health of body, mind, and spirit. Our mission is to harness all that feeds into a community’s and an individual’s wellbeing, from womb to tomb.

Founder’s Message

Inclusive healthcare has always been at the core of all the institutions that we have built over the years. It was therefore a natural corollary to base our philanthropy efforts too on the bedrock of healthcare for all. This translates into access: a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacist must be close enough for every person to reach with ease. Hence, we began in rural India, from Aragonda, a place I call home, with the aim to spread across the country. From experience we also know that healthcare is just one part of wellbeing: taking good care of the earth, financial wellness, and many other factors contribute to complete health. Total Health is the realization of a lifetime of learning, giving, and receiving.